Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Day of Loveliness

     A day of perfect weather most of which I spent outside. I put a border around a flower bed, went biking on the trail with Stacie, sprayed my roses, trimmed some trees and bushes, etc.
  1. For a husband who can fix bikes.
  2. For a husband who is willing to cart me to one end of the trail and pick me up at another area.
  3. For Stacie who is willing to bike with me.
  4. For cool, crisp, clear weather.
  5. For Brandon who makes every effort to get his dead possum out from under the front deck and accomplishes it.
  6. For pillows on which to lay a weary head.
  7. For sunshine.
  8. For naps.
  9. For the inspirations the Lord gives.
  10. For the leading and guidance of the Lord.
     I am still working on the happiness thing. Today was easy, with outside work to do and lovely weather. I caught myself at one point thinking or saying something negative. I comfort myself with the fact that I did catch it. A cheerful, happy person, yes, I will aim for that.
     Trivia: I did not know that I would so often want to end my sentences with a preposition.
     Trivia no. 2: Half of this post was lost. I stayed here and rewrote it. A bit of a victory for this unpersevering person.

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