Friday, September 6, 2013

Prepositions and Prayer

      Yay! I am vindicated. I have been trying not to end my sentences with prepositions. I will now cease and desist this practice. The Saturday Evening Post has shattered that rule; completely smashed it. What is more William Shakespeare, Francis Bacon, John Milton, and Henry Ward Beecher were all named as doing it with examples of their work. Lovely. 
       I realize I am not a writer; not worthy of being called one. I make not no bones about it. Stringing words together hoping they make sense is what I do. Actually knowing how to construct an essay, story, etc. is definitely not something I know much about. Now, I have one less rule that I have to watch out for. :) I shall try not to overdo it.
       Praying is on my mind. What would happen if I devoted a certain amount of time each day to it? I read once of a praying lady whom people would ask to pray for their needs and burdens. She would go into her closet to pray and start praising the Lord, never even getting to the requests. And the requests and needs would be met. Her intention was to pray for the requests but when she got before the Lord her heart would swell in praise, so that is what she would do.
       I need to minister to my family. This is very important. At the same time, I am neglecting the Lord. I am letting frustrations, stress and many obligations rob me of walking in peace and calm. Maybe if I put first things first, just maybe I would be more peaceful and full of grace. 


  1. Delightful writing. Powerful communication. I like it. Thank you for sharing.
