After not being able to walk when I arrived at Wal-mart on Tuesday, I came home and made two appointments and was working on more. One with my foot Doctor and one with the one who is the brace specialist and the other one I was trying to make was with a massage therapist in hopes she could help it. The appointment with my foot Doctor was today. Not good. He took exrays and wants me to get an MRI in Charlottesville. He thinks the about the only option left is operate and fuse bones, etc. Major surgery and ten weeks off my feet. I told him my kids suggested amputation, he laughed and said, "Tell them to try it first." Then he said, "No, you would have to take care of them." Anyway, I was expecting a major plummeting of spirits on the way home but somehow it did not happen. I feel quite calm about it right now. Also neither Jerry nor I are ready to accept that diagnosis. I want to be annointed and prayed for, maybe this weekend when at Dads. I will go ahead as each step comes but am praying that the MRI will show no tears or fluid, etc. in the tendon. If it shows the tendon is only inflamed and not ruined I want to ask him about other options. I had tried laser and it seemed to help up to a point but then not so much.
I have been thinking about the verse that talks about we women not being afraid with sudden fear but to be like Sarah who called Abraham, Lord. To be calm and quiet on the inside and not be stressed or fearful. Do I have faith or not? Am I trusting? I have been very convicted about how stressed I am. How easily I get ruffled and upset. My prayer continues: Lord, make me the woman and wife my husband needs. Somehow I have more faith and trust when I pray this than when I try to figure out how to become a better person.
I have not written about the grief that dear people are going through. My thoughts and prayers have been much with them and we will be traveling to PA for the funeral. The weather does not look too promising but I am not complaining. I have been longing for colder weather as warm and humid with slow moving flies in December is not my kind of weather. My prayer has been for all the heartache and sorrow that different people are going through, that if the enemy meant it for evil that our Lord would work it for good, that the enemy might be confounded.
"God is good, His mercy brightens all the paths in which we move." Thank-you Jesus even those paths are hard.
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