Monday, November 25, 2013

Poisoning and Chonda

     Cold weather is here again. Am trying to get the laundry done in case of ice and lack of electricity. Tired and grouchy or more like grim and gloomy is my mood right now. Wish it would leave. Maybe I should be poisoned again. Last week one night I could not sleep so Jerry offers me sleeping pills. I did not really want to but he thought I should so I did. The next morning I feel like death. (Why do I say this? Who knows what death feels like but someone who actually died?) Let us just say I felt rotten. I shuffle up to the girls' room, ask Stacie whether she can do the cleaning job for that day. She says she can and I go back to bed with the worst headache and nausea I have had in a while. It took all day to get over it. Jerry thinks it might have been the sleeping pills so checks the expiration date and it is 2008. I said, "I was being poisoned in my own house and by my own husband." Grin. The pills reside here no more.
     Stacie and I went to hear Chonda Pierce on Friday night. Enjoyed it very much. She had an Australian singer with her that took part in the show. At one point she said to him, "You don't have a president do you?" He said, "No. We have a prime minister." She said, "Do you want ours?" After intermission she did more just ministry and went a half hour over time. We would be in tears one minute and laughing the next. She really brought out how you should keep your friendships and family relationships up so that when they pass away, you have no regrets. Very poignant.
     She also shared how her dad was a minister while being abusive in more than one respect to his girls. The hypocrisy and faking that went on for the sake of the church did so much more harm than good. Then Stacie tells me of this preacher she heard in Illinois who with devastating frankness shared how at the height of his ministry God impressed on his heart that he needs to take a six month sabbatical which he finally did. During that time he started seeing the pride in his life and the people he worked with started telling him what they saw in his life and he said it stank. Then Stacie tells me how good the meetings were with this preacher. Two very different pictures.
      I have been hoping this fast would grow into more fasting of sorts or perhaps just the strength to be more moderate in some respects. It seems to be maybe, possibly doing this. Will keep you posted.

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