My therapy is complete. Feeling rather blue this morning when Stacie and I came home from work, I decided mowing the lawn and raking leaves would be cheering. (An arm has been waking me and keeping me awake at night and my foot is not too great.) It was lovely but I kept wondering how I was going to complete the task without help so when Stacie came home I asked her to call Jerry and ask if they could come early and help me remove the piles of leaves. She gave the message to Chris and soon here comes Jerry. Joy! His tallness and long arms make him perfect for carrying a king size sheet full of leaves plus it was fun to do it together. Chris was muttering about leaves but when he came home and saw the lawn he was impressed.
The cool weather is just down my alley. It invigorates me. It feels more festive than warm weather.
Yesterday was a day that was only appreciated when it was done. The first job Jolene and I went to, I did not charge enough which makes me feel crumby. This job has three large dogs that can go in and out at will. The amount of dirt they bring in is phenomenal. We mop the floors every week and the next time it is brown with dirt again. Oh well..I surprised the the owner because the grouchy one of the lot seems to like me now. I decided being friends with a guard dog is a good idea. Besides grouchy animals are more fun to befriend.
After lunch Jolene and I took off to the next house to clean. We were alone which was a plus. On the other hand she wanted the cupboards polished with furniture polish. Jolene starts on them and soon sees the futility of this and asks if she can wash them first. I inspect and concur. The next thing I know she has a hairpin out and is scratching at the crevices. I ask if that is really necessary, she thinks it is. I decide to help with the washing and it takes a while as they are gunky. Finally when this long job is done we leave the house to find two deer staring at us from the lawn so we chat with them until they decide to leave the two loony ladies. Riding down the very long lane, more deer cross our path making me jittery.
When we get home I ensconce my self on the love seat foot propped high and read. I decided not to move for at least two hours hoping to get my foot to simmer down. Jerry comes home, hears me groaning, starts massaging my foot and I hit the roof. This causes him to lift up his voice, "WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GET THAT BRACE CHECKED OUT??" This is not the first time he has said this obviously since his patience is giving out. This starts me laughing and howling because he is still massaging my foot. Later in the kitchen the girls are being goofy and Jerry objects saying they should calm down as soon it will be bed time. (It is not even close to bedtime.) Jolene enters and drop kicks Stacie's soup that she is about to put in the microwave spiraling into the air gracefully and splats onto the floor. Jerry says, "See what comes of all this foolishness!" I hear nothing still in the living room. And then Jolene comes in bent double laughing so hard she is barely making sense. And then Stacie says, "That was my supper!" But as she is telling me what happened she starts laughing too.
On Monday we as a birding class get to go to Buggs Island. I am really looking forward to this and am hoping for cooperating weather and lots of new birds. The professor of this class sat down right in front of me last Monday and says, So, I was in this store and see this row of books. The author was Jerry Eicher." I said, "Uh oh." He goes on, "I pick one up, read on the back, Jerry married to Tina lives near Farmville, has four children. This can't be a coincidence." I agree it isn't. Then he said, "Stacie never said a word!" She has been in one of his classes last year already. He decides he wants to buy some of Jerry's books for his Mom and says he is going to read one.
I will now sign off as this lengthy bit of nonsense has gone to greater lengths than I thought it would.
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