A dark cloud has been hanging over my head. An undefined sadness and depression. I did not identify it as an attack until last night. It still hung over me today. Tonight it is better. Somehow with following several leadings that occurred today and having company tonight for supper as a result, it seemed to break.
The girls both started college today. I threatened Jolene with a sweet potato when she was loud right by my ear and she said with a snooty accent, "Don't hit me. I'm a college student now." We both dissolved into laughter. I enjoy the girls so much. Sometimes there is drama but mostly I am enjoying them.
I am holding my breath as far as my foot holding out with all this housecleaning, etc. I am faithfully doing exercises for them, etc. It held up pretty good today but by tonight it went into a spasm when I got up to do something.
I must go to bed so I will bid you good-night.
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