So we hear about this purple martin festival in Richmond. We go. Aaannnd we see nothing! There were supposed to be thousands of them coming to roost in a certain line of trees in Richmond. Sad. We went to the foot bridge to Belle Isle instead and walked across it. When we came back we saw some martins circling high in the sky but not very many. Oh well, I enjoyed eating out with friends and the bridge was nice. There will be wry purple martin comments for some time to come. One very cool thing was at one of the vendors in the area they had a book by one of Jerry's relatives, Victor Stoll. He had the largest colony of martins on his place in Tennessee and wrote a book about it.
I am now making kefir which is supposed to be good for you. Jerry has decided he will not take any more because of internal combustion. He said the stuff is trying to kill him. I thought it might be good for Chris since he was on antibiotics so long and he can not take probiotics as it sends him into a tailspin with his low blood sugar. I would tell you more about it but you can google it.
Debi has started making gourmet doctored up iced coffees with the concentrate I made. They look and taste amazing. I have a feeling they are a bit like a bomb health wise but if you want to stay awake and have sugar high there you go.
Bed calleth. May your night be blessed.
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