Oh, and the faucets. Start filling a bucket, prepare to clean up the kitchen while it fills and you will get most of it done. Problems may occur if you have a short attention span and go do something else while the sink is filling. Getting distracted can result in overflowing and more work.
Toilets may decide to just skip the actual flushing unless you hold the handle down. And this saves water how?
Now for the ultimate pet peeve: watersaver washers. My old washer gave out so we got a front loader watersaver. It is not a laughing matter. How do you expect to wash dirty clothes without water and plenty of it? Just how?! My observations are that all this tumbling wears out clothes faster, (How is this economical?) there is no soak for extra dirty clothes, (How can you soak something without water?) clothes do not get as clean even though it washes and tumbles for a long time, (This is the greatest annoyance!) (I started putting in extra laundry detergent on the clothes. NOT economical!) Maybe some people who work in offices and don't do manual labor can use these washers with impunity, but this family gets dirty and needs something that actually cleans.
Just to sum it up, wears out clothes, does not get them clean and is not economical as far as soap is concerned but by all means save water!
There. I have vented. I would really appreciate it if the government got out of our lives with all their rules and regulations. Don't they have anything better to do?! Sorry, I still had several sentences of venting.
I will now count my blessings to get in a better frame of mind. I am thankful that I saw a Fox Sparrow at my feeders today. A first. I am thankful for the snow. Also thankful that it was not too bad so that Stacie can return tomorrow. I am thankful for a new orange cake mix and frosting that Chris likes. Also thankful for banana bread to feed my family. Thankful for a whole day at home. Thankful that the electricity stayed on and that the laundry is done. Thank-you Jolene. Thankful for a funny morning with Debi and Jolene. Thankful for Chris playing the piano. Thankful that the renters did not move into the house that still has no water. Thankful that I can be in a house that is relatively warm tonight. Sixty-five is better than ten degrees. God is good even when the frustrations of an overbearing government get heavy. The greatness and awesomeness of God has been freshly impressed on me recently and that we make Him too common. Lord, help us to be reverent and to believe You and take You at Your word.
Ha, ha, you gave me a laugh this morning! I now know NOT to get a water saver washer! We run out of water at times, but I've learned to deal with it. I've been tempted to get a front loader, but have decided that as long as my 24 year old Maytag keeps working, I won't.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's so good to count our blesssings. Tim and I have been trying to do that. I think it keeps dissatisfaction from creeping in.
If you run out of water and don't have very dirty clothes, maybe a front loader would be in your favor but us, not so much. I wish counting my blessings would be more second nature for me but I still need a lot of practice.
ReplyDeleteWe don't have very dirty clothes. Tim works in an office and the kids in the medical field, but I've heard of so many people having issues with front loaders, which is what has made me hesitate. I guess I'll have to make a decision on that if mine ever gives out.