I get the feeling that my posts are becoming farther and farther apart. Very sleepy but guess the time has come for another one.
Yes, I am still on my watching fast. My birthday is not here yet but approacheth fast. A tinsy bit over a month. Feel a bit bewildered as to what will happen after it is over. Jerry encouraged me. He said, "You are doing what God wants you to do right now. When the fast is over, you look for what God wants you to do then." or something to that effect. It is scary. I would feel safer with a hedge of rules.
The diet is still on, though I have cheated a few times. I am finding it very difficult. I am not very imaginative when it comes to food. Plus taking the time to actually cook extra stuff for myself is tedious so I don't. The food gets gruesomely boring. Bleh! I noticed something yesterday though, that was interesting. I really wanted to cheat but made myself a salad. After eating it, I felt good and no temptation. Trying to learn from this.
Now for thanks.
I am thankful for Connor Flynn our grandbaby. So precious and tiny. Thankful for his parents Brandon and Melissa and seeing their love for him.
I am thankful for a healing God, who heals past hurts and physical ailments as well. Thankful for Jesus blood that was shed on the cross, that cleanseth from sin and washes us white as snow. Thankful that it also washes us from the sins of others. Thankful for His gentle Holy Spirit that leads and guides and that gives us
power over all the power of the enemy.
Thankful for Mom and Dad and Mom's testimony of answered prayer. How instead of being irritated with each other they are blessing each other. How when you really want what is right and pray, God does answer, no matter how old. It is never too late.
I am thankful for hardworking men. Jerry and Chris have the shingles on Chris's house. Rather exciting! I wouldn't mind if Jerry slowed down a bit though.
I am thankful that spring is on the way. I will appreciate spring more this year. But I am kinda looking forward to the wintery mix we are supposed to get tomorrow. Don't kill me. :)
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