Tonight... Jolene and Stacie are cleaning up the kitchen. Jerry is also in the kitchen making his lunch. (He does not allow me to fix his lunch due to former misdemeanors of mine.) I am standing at the end of the counter. Jerry's chocolate truffles gaze up at me. I open the box, viewing them suspiciously. Nobody notices. I pick one up curious as to its insides, I break it in half, hoping for caramel or vanilla or something interesting. Only chocolate. Bummer. Still looks good so I take a bite of the one half. Start chewing...suddenly Jolene notices, shrieks and is after me. I run, grasping the half in one fist and the fourth in the other. She grabs me, both of us laughing and me still chewing for dear life and she admonishing me and trying to wrest the other pieces from my grasp. Stacie is laughing so hard she is on the floor. Jolene gets me out to the wastebasket commanding, "Spit it out!" which I have no intention of doing and pop the other fourth in my mouth which evokes more horror. Somehow the half grasped in the other fist flies out and lands on the floor. Jerry laughing grabs it and throws it into the wastebasket. Somewhere during this time Debi comes up from the basement and looks like she's wondering if we all lost our minds. They call this an intervention. I stick my nose in the air and say I am going to go take a shower. To which, Jolene replies that that is what I should have been doing in the first place.
The thing they don't know is that I fell off the wagon earlier in the day. I ate three, yes, that's right three not one, not two, but three lemon bars for lunch. I have excuses but I am too tired to name them. Thankfully, the lemon bars are almost gone and hopefully some self-control will reappear. I don't want to give up now so Lord willing and my strength not fail me, I will continue.
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