Sunday, September 15, 2013


     What  a lovely weekend.  Our visitors and cool weather made it extra special. Seeing a summer tanager this morning made my day. I have seen the yellow ones but not the scarlet males. The church service was good and inspiring. Rhoda shared something in Sunday school that I really needed to hear. She said she has learned she is not Holy Spirit Junior. And then shared how she was not allowed to speak to someone about something so she just prayed about not really expecting God to move right away. Not too much later, she learned that the truths she had wanted to share with this person, were learned by this person without her help. This spoke to me where I am at.
      OK. Confession time. I was looking at news articles and saw this picture that intrigued me so, even though I saw it was a video I clicked on it. It was a video of things that went wrong with funny results. I watched it. There I confessed It. It was not long but still I had not been watching anything so decided this needed a confession and repentance. I want to keep on this path and not stray off it. I like the results and fruits too much to want to give in even to that. I do not want to give it any leeway.
      I was asking Jerry the secret of his Christian life and specifically about prayer. I see the fruit and results of his Christian life but not so much the why. He said there is a book that really influenced him. It is called The Spiritual Guide by Michael Molinos. I have started reading it and am trying to practice it. I am not sure but think it is already making a difference. Will keep you posted. This especially spoke to me: "But when the believer fixes his attention on the face of his Lord without requiring consideration, reasoning, without need of proofs to be convinced of anything, this is a higher prayer."

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