Tuesday, September 3, 2013


    Due to years of foot pain, the idea of accomplishing a lot in a day is somewhat foreign to me. Lately, this is changing. It is a weird feeling to feel so driven and actually get accomplished what I set out to do. For some reason the fatigue and tiredness I often felt is also gone. This is all very amazing to me.
    I attribute some of this directly to my watching fast. I have also been going to the chiropractor for my foot and he has also been working on my back. Through that I also started using the exercisor and doing other exercises. Whatever it is that is giving me energy, I am thankful.
     I am thankful not to have that thing of watching something tugging at me every minute. I am thankful to be able to think clearly, unhindered by noise and garbage. I am thankful for the opportunity to help out financially. I am thankful for the ability to work hard. I am thankful for being ready to go with Jerry when he wants me to go along somewhere. I am thankful for birds to watch. :)
     I guess I am thankful for dentists, yes, I am. I was to one today. First the needle that makes your eyes water. Then you wait until you are sure the numbness is leaving. When you are about to get up and leave here he comes with the drill. My lip, with mouth wide open trembles in abject fear. Memories of a dentist in days of yore, who, in his zeal went too deep and hit my sinus come to haunt me. I pray the numbness will hold. With wonder, I listen to their joking, devoutly hoping he is keeping his eyes on my tooth as he drills away. The dentist pauses in his work to throw an empty box of gloves at one of the receptionists. He misses due the low ceiling he is sure. The new box of gloves arrives amidst laughter. I grin without enthusiasm. Finally, the victim is released. I still can not breathe well out of one nostril due to the numbing. I did not tell him this so as to not impede progress. After he had numbed me and finally returned to do the deed. He saw the cold sore at the corner of my mouth and suggested we could wait a couple weeks. Oh NO! I am here now and we are going to get this over with. I said this in a milder way but definitely waiting was not an option. The cold sore, an eruption due to stress, was just going to have live with it or preferably die.
     I will end with a trivia question: Why, with five pairs of reading glasses, one of them broken, can I find only two that work?

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