Friday, December 20, 2013

Liberty Verses Liberalism

    I am hibernating in my bedroom at the moment. Chris is having friends over to play games and my foot is out of commission. It takes about so much than that's it. Jerry is doing the weekly shopping because he does not think I should do it until my foot is better. Debi is still at work. And the girls are in Illinois.
    Worked today for five straight hours. When I saw the house my heart sank. I was actually not sure I could get it done in the allotted five hours and not sure if my foot would hold up for that amount of time to start with. The orthopedist really built my brace up so my foot gets really sore. I wore it until about ten thirty having gotten there at eight then took it off. What amazed me is how well it went after that. Maybe the sports therapist's work is already kicking in! Marvelous thought.
    I was going to go on a rant about liberalism, etc. but not sure if I want to now. Liberalism is so different from actual liberty it boggles the mind. When I think of liberty I think of fresh clean air and water clear as crystal. When I think of liberalism I think of fog, smog, stagnation and filth. Why is that? To be at liberty, freedom from fear, all kinds of fear. Free of bondage. Free of horrible, debilitating sin. Actual freedom to do God's will. Freedom to follow the Holy Spirit's gentle promptings. Liberalism, on the other hand, is always trying to free wickedness. Dabbling in all sorts of horrors. Creating all sorts of bondages. I am talking of secular liberalism here. I see it up close and personal. What blows my mind is they really don't like the results in their children. No, I guess what blows my mind is that it does not wake them up.
     More and more I see why it is so hard to be a Christian for many, many people. It is too simplistic. It gives answers, real concrete answers. You have to become as a little child, trusting, looking to the Father. You have to lay down that intellect, all that education and let God and scripture teach you things. It is a high price. And the scorn from your contemporaries would be intense. The teaching that it is complicated and that there are no answers will have to be forsaken. There are answers! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! I am so happy about this. We can believe this. It is true. It is sad to me that the church has bought into that teaching. People can be set free! They do not have to be in a horrible struggle the rest of their life. They can live a life free of life altering fear, etc. What does the church have to offer if it can't help people to freedom. Yes, Jesus, certainly, but in Christ is all we need. Half the time we don't believe it or practice it. Talking to myself here.
     Now for another subject. The sports therapist said I need to lose weight. Jerry had some insight as to what I need to do. It is kinda (yeah, yeah I know it is not a word) like counting the cost. I need to let go mentally of food and maybe even mourn about it. He said if I can do it in my mind than all I have to do is implement it. I am trying to get a hold of this. If I go on this anti-inflammatory diet I will not be able to have Wendy's Bacon Portabella Melt so where is my black dress? I want to start on the diet on the first of January. Either that or start in gradually with just not eating any sweets and then progressing to more until I am on the complete plan. Any advice?
     Blessings: A whole week off. Yay! There were two dogs here. They were no longer here today. Two rooms full of young men laughing and talking. I am thankful that there are still a lot of people who stand for what is right. I am thankful for my husband. Just a note to us wives: We ought to be devoutly grateful if we have a good husband. Good-night.


  1. Diet, yes. I know it can look big, but it was much easier for me to go on a strict diet for health reasons than to lose weight. I've been gluten/sugar free since March as well as on a somewhat anti-inflammatory diet, foods I need to avoid. I pretty much did it cold turkey, but you know best what would work better for you. One thing I found is that when I avoided the sugar and gluten I didn't have food cravings anymore. I eat fairly high protein and don't get starving hungry. I do use some honey and stevia and there are times when we get invited away I eat almost nothing, because there's nothing there I can eat. Usually I'll drink a protein smoothie before we go to help with that. I feel so much better than I did a year ago, and it's been worth it. Sadly yes, fast food is pretty much out. I rarely buy food when I'm out for that reason. I'm saving money, though! If you have any questions, let me know.

  2. Thanks Twila. I am so glad you are feeling better. That is very encouraging and also the other things you said. I really want to do this and this gives a bit more hope.
