Thursday, January 30, 2014


    I think my blood has slowed down to a crawl. It is not used to cold any more. I had forgotten what winter is like. I am still trying to figure out whether I like it as much as I thought I did.
    We don't have much of the white stuff but cold we have. Frankly, I prefer snow when it is cold anyway. I think I do, that is. What is not so cheerful, is the cost of heating a not too tight house and Chris's house building being stalled.
    Today I could feel the heat of the sun. This is something I had never experienced in Ohio. It is lovely at times like this. I decided I still like Virginia best. I don't envy the Northerners who don't get a reprieve from the cold.
    The diet is still going but am feeling very deprived. Maybe I should just quit eating until I reach my target weight. Just drink my kefir, Reliv, and maybe take my energy green drink. It would simplify things.
     I need more sleep seemingly which I find annoying. I am getting up early and doing my exercises before going to work so maybe that is part of it. I wanted to start walking every week day this week but then the cold intimidated me.
     The foot is not out of the woods yet but there is some improvement. I am trying to be very faithful with the exercises that I was given to do. I am working two jobs on some days and it seems to be holding up pretty good.
     The watching fast is still going but somehow I don't feel very victorious. I guess I am in the doldrums. Discouragement that the weight does not disappear faster haunts me. I know it has not been that long but still feel blue.
      Thankfulness time. Let me see what am I thankful for? Well..warm clothes come to mind. For three Applebee's gift cards that the girls are using tonight. For a husband to hug. For a twitter pated daughter to work with on both jobs today. That the guy we worked for yesterday gave us ninety dollars instead of eighty. That we have a symphony to go listen to tomorrow night. That tomorrow is Friday. Oh yes, for candles. I like them. They make me feel warmer. For people who buy books. :) For vehicles that do well in snow. I am tired now. Good-night.


  1. May joy and courage come in the morning! We are finally getting a reprieve from the extreme cold. Instead of below zero or single digits, it's 31 degrees this morning! Bless you, my dear sister!
