Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year, New Challenges

    Well, day two of the diet is almost at a close. A monumental headache is pretty much past. Due to the gruesome feeling, pounds have already taken flight. I am on an anti-inflammatory diet in hopes that it will cut down on the inflammation in my foot and of course, also to lose weight. The mourning for food and coffee has diminished and the actual dieting has commenced. I would like to stay on it for a year but am not sure how it will work out. Coffee was not on this diet and since it stimulates the appetite and is not that great for inflammation, I will try to stay off it. Sob..:)
    My second appointment with the therapist was this afternoon. He was very pleased with how well his last treatment held up. Again, he worked on it for an hour. I can not say how thankful I am for this. It is such an answer to prayer. He seems quite sure that he can get me out of this brace.
     I started my yearly bird list. Joy said she does it every year so I want to follow suit. See how many birds I can see in a year.
     My wish for this year, is to see more bondages broken, more healing take place and lots of growing in Jesus.


  1. Congratulations! Stick with it. It's really not so bad once you get used to it. I used to have chronic headaches and that was one of the first things hat cleared up for me. I said a year too, which it will be in March. Now I'm thinking longer, maybe for life. :- /

  2. Thanks Twila. Did you give up coffee too?

  3. When I started I wasn't drinking coffee. I had somehow gotten a distaste for it. But when cold weather came around it "glushted" me again so I do drink it. Usually just one cup in the morning. One thing I really missed was the flavored coffee creamers. Just can't quite replicate them. I've started doing a type of bullet proof coffee which is adding some coconut oil, protein powder and sweetener. Usually some flavored stevia drops, sometimes a bit of honey or maple syrup. I blend this with an immersion blender and it's a lot like a cappucinno.

  4. Wow! Sounds amazing! I am off coffee for now as they say it is bad for inflammation but that sounds yummy.
