Thursday, June 6, 2013


     I am not sure what is wrong with me but I am impatient, grumpy and disagreeable. I feel sorry for Jerry. I keep praying that God would make me into the woman that Jerry needs me to be. I think He's missed it. I should be a patient, lovely person by now.
     I feel unquiet inside. I hate feeling so on edge.
     I feel tense about tomorrow. Probably my outfit is not conservative enough for this Beachy wedding. There are Amish from where we came from going to be there. We met most of them tonight. I enjoyed it but was glad to get back to the motel. I think I will relax more when this wedding is over and we are on our way to North Carolina for our anniversary trip.
     Lord, could you make me a nice person like right now.


  1. Tina you ARE a lovely person! You are honest about it and that's more than many people dare to be and admit. That right there is an encouragement to me. So be blessed and know you are a blessing!
