Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Story

     Today I will tell the story of yesterday at my husband's demand. I was standing in the checkout line bent over with fatigue, leaning on the cart. When the elderly lady in front of me started to unload her groceries, I noticed it seemed hard for her, so I asked if I could help her. She gratefully accepted. While I was unloading mine, I heard her say to the checkout lady that she was ninety-two and her husband was ninety-four. She asked the checkout lady if someone could help her load her groceries into her vehicle, she said her back bothers her. The checkout girl said yes, asking for someone on her intercom.She told the lady she could wait right there until someone came.
     During this time I loaded my groceries and as she bagged them started loading them into my cart. The elderly lady had thanked me again and was still waiting. When I was finishing up I told the checkout lady, who was about to call again, that I would help her as I was going out anyway. They both agreed so out we went. As we went I told her that I hope I am in as good shape as she is when I am her age. She was surprisingly spry and did not look ninety-two.
     It turned out she was driving a truck! I helped her load her stuff into the back, putting some stuff in a cooler. She was so appreciative and blessed me and gave me a hug before she left.
     My husband says no good deed goes unpunished. So it seems. As I was unloading my groceries I noticed I had forgotten about the cards under my purse in the cart and had not paid for them. Wearily I finished unloading, locked the vehicle, trudged back in to Wal-mart and paid for the cards. Nevertheless I considered it a blessing to help the elderly lady and counted it a privilege.
     If no good deed goes unpunished, there also seems to be a reward. Later after I took a nap I felt much better and no more depression.


  1. Rewards for being kind to the elderly like you were, do indeed come our seems like God is no hurry to bring them to us, but all at once there they are when we least expect them, even bigger and better then what we gave, and sometimes even many years later. When you are in your 90's I bet you will get lots of good help unloading your groceries!!!!
