Thursday, May 9, 2013

Roughest Day Yet

    As the title says this was the hardest day to date. Depressed, no energy, feel like crying, and bluer than blue. I think maybe I am sick. I had a sore throat before this past weekend but just ignored it. Now my throat just kinda feels swollen so maybe I have the flu or something. Whatever it is, I am not enjoying it. Of course, when I feel this way, I want to turn on some comedy of some kind to take my mind off my troubles. I went out and mowed lawn instead thinking the sun might help (yes, it was actually shining) but it did not. Oh, I forgot the other symptom. I feel like sleeping and sleeping and I know I am caught up with my sleep, so tiredness haunts every step. Anyway, suffice it to say, it was an accomplishment to get through today and not give in to temptation. You know the thoughts that come when you have embarked on a journey: "This is stupid, think how much better you would feel if you watched something" (and the thing is I probably would have right then), "maybe you should just stop, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera."
     Let's see what am I thankful for: nothing, well yes, I am when I really think about it, so here goes:
  1. Green eggs and ham (humor)
  2. Biking journal (Ed Devlin's)
  3. Softball (which I want to go watch one of these evenings)
  4. Tiredness (Bible says to be thankful for everything)
  5. Depression and blueness (learning that God is even there)
  6. Energetic Debbie and her exercising (inspiring)
  7. Love songs that Jerry has me listen to
  8. The depletion of the cat population
  9. Chai tea
  10. For what I got done today

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